AutoTimer - "Require description to be unique" doesn't work properly

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    • AutoTimer - "Require description to be unique" doesn't work properly

      "Require description to be unique"
      - in GUI doesn't show corresponding value for existing autotimer saved in autotimer.xml when viewed. Always shows "No"
      - when changed between "No" "On the same service" "On any service" "Any service/recording", it saves correctly to the autotimer.xml
      - when set to "On the same service" "Any service/recording" does not prevent duplicate recording, despite in timers.xml exist finished entry with the same Title and Description
      - "Any service/recording" DOES prevent duplicate recording, when recording is still present on HDD
      - with another/old image (OOzon DM8000), there used to be differentiation, whether unique has to be
      1, title
      2, title and short description
      3, title and full description
      I wonder why this functionality is missing - its very useful for AutoTimer.
      I recall even functionality for avoiding "Similar title" - when insignificant characters such space, dots, dashes have been ignored and as example "Show title (6)." "Show title(6)" have been recognized as duplicate and not recorded despite they differ with one dot.

      I keep timers to avoid duplicate recordings, but recordings may be meantime moved elsewhere => autotimer is not usable for me
      I have decent developer skills. If someone would help to create dev. environment and show how to compile/test stuff, I'm willing to help with this plugin.